This specialist programme provides experienced Black Belts with the advanced skills required to meet the British Quality Foundation’s ultimate level of certification in Lean Six Sigma.
The Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt could be described as a Process Excellence “internal consultant”.
Master Black Belts:
- – Lead large scale DMAIC projects (often encompassing a number of discrete Black Belt/Green Belt sub-projects)
- – Are a “go-to“ resource in the business when strong technical skills such as data analysis, workshop facilitation etc are required
- – Are experts in the field of Change Management
- – Coach Green and Black Belts, maximising their project delivery and learning…
- – …As well as supporting and building the effectiveness of the Project Champions
- – Often develop and deliver Lean Six Sigma related training to employees at all levels in the organisation as a component of helping to build a Continuous Improvement culture
- – Support and influence business leaders towards building a continuous improvement culture
- – Lead the deployment of Lean Six Sigma thinking and management
Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt candidates will already be experienced, certified Black Belts. This programme will help address gaps between the Black Belt’s current skills and experience and the level required to meet the British Quality Foundation Master Black Belt certification requirements. An assessment is carried out to identify the gaps and recommend how these can be addressed by training or experience, taking into account the candidate’s business needs and personal preferences. The programme followed will therefore, to some extent, be unique to each individual.
There are 3 basic requirements for British Quality Foundation Master Black Belt certification:
- Completion of an appropriate programme of Training
- Passing the exam
- Assessment of Master Black Belt level proficiency in Lean Six Sigma
Training Modules
The following Catalyst training modules are the most common ones that many MBBs elect to undertake:
- Advanced Black Belt Tools 1: (3 days)1
- Managing Change: (3 days).1
- Design for Lean Six Sigma: (3 days)1
- Advanced Lean Practitioner: (3 days)2
- Advanced MBB Tools: (3 days)2
- Green and Black Project Coaching and Facilitation Skills for Effective Project Delivery: (2 days)2
- Change Leadership: (1 day) 3
- Deployment: (1 day) 3
1 These modules are scheduled and delivered regularly through our open programme in the UK
2 These modules are delivered on specific request and will be scheduled accordingly
3 These Modules are undertaken through coaching in a small team and will be arranged accordingly
You can also undertake any revision of the other Stats Tools through self-study using our on-line ‘Business Improvement Zone’.
You will be required to sit a 2-hour open book exam which will test your fluency with the more advanced tools and techniques which you are likely to utilize yourself or coach others to use. Many of the questions will require you to undertake statistical analysis on sets of data presented to you using Minitab and interpret your findings.
You will be required to present a record of your Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt level proficiency and experience including:
- Examples of training and coaching you have led
- Examples of the application of Lean Six Sigma tools to challenging problems
- Details of any overall improvement programmes for which you have had responsibility
- Examples of Workshops you have facilitated
- How you have demonstrated CI leadership in your organisation
- How you have influenced change in your organisation
- Storyboards and critiques of projects that you have led and / or coached others (BBs and GBs) to lead; we would normally expect at least 6 such projects to be presented in this way
You should prepare a summary report listing your experiences of the above and compile and evidence folder. A long, written report is not required.
You will then be asked to meet for about ½ day with a small panel of Assessors to go through and discuss this record in detail with you.
Discover our Master Black Belt Programme