Making Work Meaningful

In her book ‘The Life Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k’, author Sarah Knight provides advice on how we can rid ourselves of unwanted obligations, shame and guilt, to free up time for the things that make us happy. After a chapter focused on looking at ‘things’ (like basketball or having a bikini body),…

Kano Model and Customers_King

The Kano Model and Customers

The Customer Is King. Putting customers at the heart of everything we do. I’ll tell you what I want, what I really want. We’ve all heard these phrases, mantras and songs (!) about being customer-centric. But what does this actually mean? Who are our customers and what do they want? There is so much that…

Kano Thinking and Apple

Apple and the end of Kano Thinking?

I was reading this week* that Apple’s newly anticipated handsets will probably not feature the cutting edge, “delighter” led, technology features we have come to love in their iPhone products over the years. This got me thinking about Kano Thinking and it’s relevance in 2019. When Noriaki Kano published “Attractive quality and must-be quality” in…

True North

In the days before GPS, sailors would use the North Star to find their way across the seas. It is still used by hikers and outdoorsy types to help them find their way when lost – those with no access to an app or star atlas can find it by using constellations as a guide.…